The Alhambra has become an international icon across the globe for holidaymakers who make it a point to visit this amazing palace of ancient grandeur. It is indeed one of the best conserved monuments in any epoch.

Alhambra means ‘red one’ referring to the mountain color in which the huge structure stands majestically. Two entrances were designed on this palace; the northern Puerta de las Armas and the southern Puerta de la Justicia.

Tour of Alhambra

All visitors are amazed at the grandeur which Alhambra exudes as they tour the great structure. There is the Mexuar palace which was built by an Islamic king, Ismael I, for the administration of justice. It was restructured by another Islamic king, Muhammad V but under the Christian Re-conquest, King Charles V, the Alhambra was turned into a Christian chapel.

One of the highlights is the amazing Golden Room that has a splendid Renaissance ceiling. Muhammad V also built the palace of Comares at the Alhambra which is deemed the masterpiece in the whole of Alhambra. It served as the king's residence while its largest room is the Ambassador's Room with great cedar wood handiwork on its ceiling representing Islam’s seven heavens. Nine rooms are joined in a magnificent and well planned design with walls filled with Quran epigraphs.

This Moorish king also built himself a private palace as his own residence; there are four great halls with a renowned lions’ court called Patio de los Leones. The lion statues uphold the fountain although it is out of the norm for Islamic teachings do not condone figurative representations. There are remarkable verses by poet Ibn Zamrak that praise the highly advanced irrigation system of the palace.

The Patio de los Arrayanes is a huge court that is full of marbled columns and an exquisite fountain piece in the center.

Besides the Moorish influence and contribution on the Alhambra, the Christians also had a hand in shaping its exquisite beauty. This is clearly seen at the Mozárabes Hall which Christian architects designed after conquering the region from the Moors. The original cupola was changed into a baroque ceiling with Moorish influence.

The Abencerrajes Hall was named by an Arabian noble family that was murdered. The King’s Hall showcased many paintings owned by an Arabian royal family but their authenticity is uncertain. The Two Sisters Hall, or Sala de las dos Hermanas, has splendid ceilings with verses by Ibn Zamrak; these are beautifully ornamented using lapislazuli and gold, locations villas espagne.

The last hall is the Ajimences Hall with the Mirador de Daraxa that gives a lovely view to the outside although the view was later obstructed by further buildings.

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