Many tourists would be surprised that Salamanca offers more than just sights and fiestas. They would also discover the wide range of tantalizing local recipes in the available cuisine in this region that is held in high respect by all. Many of the local dishes have had the influence of cold winters and nearby mountains.

Local delights
There are many local delights which are taken every day by the locals; one would enjoy home cooked roasted pork, Cochinillo al Fuego, Chafaina or any meat dish with rice which is the region’s stable food.

Salamanca locals love the meat; hence, one should not be surprised to find a whole selection of meat dishes or choices here such as the mouth-watering “Chorizo” sausage and meat pies. A couple of well known recipes such as Chichas and Hornazo are popular among the locals and tourists alike.

Salamanca locals love sweets as well. Their sweet tooth draws them to sweet desserts like Chochos with anisette. These are delightful desserts which can be taken anytime of the day or night.

Salamanca specialties

There are several typical local delights which are well known for their great taste and high quality. With meat as a local favorite, the cured ham is a definite dish in any Salamanca household. The best is that from Guijuelo.

Salamanca cheese is also greatly enjoyed in the diet of the locals; the more favorite type comes form Hinojosa del Duero which can be used in many local recipes. Alubias or beans as well as almonds are other popular local ingredients in Salamanca cuisine.

One of the specialties of Salamanca gastronomy is roasted goat meat. This is the mountain goat from Sierra de Francia mountain range. It goes well with an assortment of vegetables and potatoes that is known as Calderillo bejarano.  Salamanca locals also love Farinato which is a delicious white sausage from their own special recipe.


Tourists are never worried about food while holidaying in Salamanca as there is always ample supply of local cuisine as well as international cuisine choices. There are plenty of restaurants, cafés and eateries in and around Salamanca which offer a wide choice of palatable delights. The ingredients used in the local cuisine are fresh and from the region, maison location espagne.

Tourists may also choose to cook their own food if they rent holiday apartments or villas in Salamanca. This would allow them to enjoy some cost savings while on holiday as well as take a break from foreign foods.

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