It is a fact that each of Spain’s regions has interesting features and monuments thus making this country amazing ground for tourism from every corner. Visitors coming into the country will definitely have a time to remember from any region, city of town they choose to spend their holidays or trips in. The attractions within the regions are either natural or manmade but very interesting none the less.

The aqueduct is the main highlight and symbol of Segovia in Spain. It is an extraordinary and amazing engineering feat that has had hundreds of visitors coming here from all over the world. Raised back in 1st century by the Romans, the most impressive part of the aqueduct is that no mortar was used in holding it together. It is basically a granite block forming a bridge and it is composed of arches numbering hundreds. This block stands at 728 meters making it the more remarkable relating to the architecture used in putting it together.

This impressive aqueduct once formed part of aqueducts system that was complex together with underground canals that were used in bringing water to the region from the Segovia mountainous region. It is a system that stretched over 15 kilometers and it even reached to where Alcazar is nowadays. The highest point of the systems was at Plaza del Azoguenjo standing at 28m. It is definitely a wonderful site to behold here and you will find lots of visitors here enjoying the beauty that is the aqueduct.

There is a story that is behind the aqueduct even though most people believe that the Romans put it up. The local legend suggests that back in time there was a young girl who would travel far to fetch water and getting tired of the activity, she voice the willingness to surrender her young soul to devil if only there could be an easier solution to the water problem. The legend goes on to assert that the devil immediately started working on the bridge at night but the girl recanted the wish and asked forgiveness from God who in turn heard her and brought the sun up earlier catching unawares the devil as he put in the last stone to see to the completion of the structure.

The Segovia aqueduct is one of the most impressive structures you cannot miss out on and the heartwarming legend will keep you wondering what to believe thus adding that spicy twist to the time and experience you gather from here.

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