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Exploring the Magnificent Sights of the City Of Almeria, Spain

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, In : Travel 

Almeria is a city by the beach that is located on the coast of Spain. It has a warm and dry climate that is most attractive for beach goes from foreign countries. The city has lots of cultural attractions to offer and the beach nearby is also a tourist attraction itself.

The Alcazaba is one of the most stunning sights in Almeria. It is a Moorish fortress that is located on top of a cliff. The ancient fortress has an overlooking view of the city. It is a beautiful relic of the time when Almer...

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Gastronomy in Madrid

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, In : Travel 

A tour or holiday to any destination in the world is never complete without getting the chance to try out and enjoy the different delicacies of the region you are in. Eating is part of life and you will always manage to enjoy your holiday when you enjoy the food you are exposed to. Fortunately, each and every destination has something visitors can try and enjoy thereby completing their holiday expectations.

Madrid is not left out as far as the food is concerned. There are lots of recipes you...

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Interesting Folklore and Fiestas in Barcelona

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, In : Travel 

When visiting a popular holiday destination, it is not only enough to see the different natural and manmade features within it but also very important to witness and take part in some of the traditions, festivals and other folklore. Barcelona is one of the most popular destinations in Spain and as expected, it does have lots of fiestas and folklore through the year in that you will always find something most interesting depending on the time you choose to be here.

New Year: this is celebrati...

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Valencia - The Amazing Nightlife

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, July 2, 2012, In : Travel 

Valencia has a lot of things to offer to all visitors coming here. The nightlife of the city is one of the features that make it unique. The city simply comes to life when the sun sets and you will get all the entertainment that you need here. This is one thing that you can never afford to miss out on while you are in the city for a holiday.

La Movida or movement is the nightlife in Valencia taking place on Friday evening through to Sunday morning. It is one of those events or nightlife acti...

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The Windy Island of Menorca

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, July 2, 2012, In : Travel 

The personality of this island in Balearic Islands category is quite charming and strong as compared to the rest. You will find the island to be very different especially because most of its interior is virgin as compared to other major islands in the group. It has a rich history though which is always interesting for the visitors coming here to have a feel of the windy island.

On the island you will find lonely bays and beaches from where you can spend some fun time. It is the best resort a...

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Amazing Ibiza Villages

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Saturday, June 30, 2012, In : Travel 

Ibiza may be one of the smaller Balearic Islands but it packs a punch on the myriad of beautiful white beaches and quaint villages with whitewashed houses. There are many historical monuments which Ibiza offers at its various villages where each is a distinct and unique entity.

Quaint villages

The Ibiza villages are interesting and delightful Mediterranean villages with San Antonio Abad as a typical example. Sant Antoni de Portnani proves to be an important tourist center that draws in throngs...

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Impressive Sights at Palma de Mallorca

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Saturday, June 30, 2012, In : Travel 

Mallorca is Balearic Islands’ largest individual island with many interesting places and sights. Palma de Mallorca is the capital of Mallorca Island. The locals call Palma de Mallorca La Ciutat which offers a most scenic environment with its bountiful palms waving in the air.

There are about 320,000 inhabitants on Palma alone which is half the whole island population.

Town offerings

Palma offers an impressive and rich culture through the deep influences from the various diverse cultures from ...

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Beautiful Beaches at Tarifa

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, June 25, 2012, In : Travel 

Tarifa is a great choice for a beachside holiday as it offers many amazingly beautiful beaches. These include Playa de Bolonia and Zahara de los Atunes.

Playa de Bolonia

This beach at Tarifa has been one of the favorite beaches of Tarifa since the 70s. There are many fascinating Roman ruins close by with 2nd century Roman town ruins called Baelo Claudia and ancient Phoenician-Punic settlement ruins. There are 4 temples at Tarifa that were dedicated to Juno, Jupiter, Minerva and Isis; an Egypti...

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Fun at EL Puerto de Santa Maria

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, June 25, 2012, In : Travel 

El Puerto de Santa Maria is situated at Cadiz Bay spot on at Guadalete River. This spot is a popular holiday choice for tourists who want the sun, fun and sand. But beaches are not only the only great offerings at El Puerto de Santa Maria; there are tantalizing gastronomy delights and local fine wines that are bound to satisfy.


Any sun lover and beach lover would love the miles and miles of sandy beaches at El Puerto de Santa Maria. One can walk on the soft sand or boardwalks that link...

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Enjoying Andalusia by the Famous Al Andalus Train

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Wednesday, June 6, 2012, In : Travel 

There are many ways to enjoy Andalusia. Most tourists play it safe with the normal mode of tour buses or rental cars. Some adventurous tourists may choose a more scenic option: lounge cars.

These are the famous train options to view Andalusia.

Stylish and comfortable

One of the more exciting ways to view Andalusia is the “Al Andalus” train with lounge cars that were built around 1928 to 1930. The Al Andalus is a special tourist train that is spacious and stylish offering comfort and best o...

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