Showing Tag: "calpe" (Show all posts)

Zahara - The interesting Fishing Village in Cadiz

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, July 2, 2012, In : Travel 

When going on a holiday to a well chosen destination in Spain, it is only advisable that you take the time to enjoy everything that the place has to offer. Apart from visiting all the monuments, enjoying the beaches and other natural ground and even taking part in the popular fiestas, it pays to take the time to explore the different parts of the destination since even the villages and small towns have interesting things to add to your holiday experience in Spain.

Cadiz has proved to be a gr...

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Tourist Attractions in Cabrera

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, July 2, 2012, In : Travel 

The untouched paradise that is Cabrera is simply breathtaking. It is a virgin island yet to be spoiled and is one of the best places that you can choose to spend a holiday or vacation in. Even though not many activities can be enjoyed from here since it is a natural preserve, there are still lots of things to be enjoyed by those who spend some time in the paradise.

The Natural Port: it is probably where you will drop you anchor. Porto de Cabrera is on the north eastern side of the island and...

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Beautiful Beaches at Tarifa

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, June 25, 2012, In : Travel 

Tarifa is a great choice for a beachside holiday as it offers many amazingly beautiful beaches. These include Playa de Bolonia and Zahara de los Atunes.

Playa de Bolonia

This beach at Tarifa has been one of the favorite beaches of Tarifa since the 70s. There are many fascinating Roman ruins close by with 2nd century Roman town ruins called Baelo Claudia and ancient Phoenician-Punic settlement ruins. There are 4 temples at Tarifa that were dedicated to Juno, Jupiter, Minerva and Isis; an Egypti...

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Fun at EL Puerto de Santa Maria

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Monday, June 25, 2012, In : Travel 

El Puerto de Santa Maria is situated at Cadiz Bay spot on at Guadalete River. This spot is a popular holiday choice for tourists who want the sun, fun and sand. But beaches are not only the only great offerings at El Puerto de Santa Maria; there are tantalizing gastronomy delights and local fine wines that are bound to satisfy.


Any sun lover and beach lover would love the miles and miles of sandy beaches at El Puerto de Santa Maria. One can walk on the soft sand or boardwalks that link...

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The Best of Costa Blanca Spain

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Friday, June 15, 2012, In : Travel 

This white coast is one of the many coasts that you will find interesting in Spain and belongs to Alicante province. The white sandy beaches here are wide and beautiful and therefore easily attract huge numbers of tourists throughout the year. The palm grove landscapes are beautiful and breathtaking and so are the small coves that you will find here. Other interesting features in the coast include the various nature parks and wetlands with each opening a new experience for the visitors.


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Interesting Sightseeing in Barcelona

Posted by Frederick Pollard on Friday, June 15, 2012, In : Travel 

Barcelona is one of the most beautiful cities in Spain and it therefore attracts large numbers of tourists from across the world coming to explore and enjoy the many things that this city has to offer. It especially has a reputation among football lovers and you will never miss to see the undying fans of the football clubs here at any given time. It is a city where you can enjoy a thrilling match as you enjoy the rest of amazing things that it has to offer.

Barcelona has several features wor...

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