There are plenty of interesting places in Menorca that can occupy a tourist throughout his or her holiday on this idyllic island. One can spend all their time on the lovely and inviting beaches in Menorca, especially at its southern portion known as “migjorn” where soft white sand greets the tourists with luscious pine woods and rich vegetation. However, the northern coast which is known as “la tramuntana” offers a different landscape beauty. The landscape is steeper with rocks.

Mahón tour

The best tour of Mahón, Menorca’s capital, starts at Villacarlos which is a quaint village with 4,500 inhabitants and British style architectures. Here, one enjoys tranquil and lovely bays like those of Cala de Sant Esteve and Cala Llonga.

The Albufera des Grau natural park lies 8 kilometers away with an exquisite lake that is home to 150 feathered species. One can view Es Colom which is a small island 200 meters away; this island can be accessible by boat. It makes a lovely day trip tour for any tourist who wants to check out every part of Menorca.

Going southward, one reaches Sant Lluis; this is a small village founded by the French during the 18th century. There are many splendid beaches offering fine white sand and great water sports with a high urbanization.

Torret is another quaint village stop with whitewashed homes that are typical on the island. There is the ‘hippies’ colony at Calas Covas which is near San Clementethere. The inhabitants at Calas Covas are cave residents with only transistor radios as their only means of contact with the outside world.

Alaior or Alayor is an industrial town whose main production is shoes. However, it is also full of history with its narrow cobbled lanes, white walls and 17th century manorial houses. There are plenty of pre-historical remains known as the talayot and taula of Torralba with the ancient Torre d'en Gaumés settlement.

Majestic panorama

Mercadal is a small town at Monte Toro; the highest mountain on the island at 357 meters. Here, one can enjoy a most panoramic view of the region besides the exquisite Ionic-Byzanthinian church that adorns beautiful wall paintings, lloret del mar . There are many pre-historical remnants around the place with great beaches.

Slightly further away is the picturesque village of Ferreries. Beautiful beaches and romantic fishing ports with interesting caves greet the tourists further north. The special Cueva Na Pulida showcases delightful stalagmites and stalactites.

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